Purple Window design, develop, sell and support a variety of software products. As part of our deployment process we offer our clients a Multi-Option Enhancement Plan which allow clients to select how much support they do require. We do not publish the bespoke Enhancement Plan on our website but the latter is available for clients via your Account Manager. Also defined in the bespoke Enhancement Plan is the periods under which different version and verticals of our products will be supported.
The product Enhancement Plan does detail support contact information, or else use the contact information defined on this website (https://www.purple-window.com/index.php/contact-us). Apart from our normal support process we do publish frequently asked questions online, on our website. Please always check the Q slist first as your question might already be answered.
We are continually enhancing the products and drive to deliver cutting edge functionality on the latest product platforms. A high-level release plan is available via our Product Sales Team.
Microsoft product support:
Purple-window strive to stay aligned with Microsoft’s own Statement of Direction for Microsoft Dynamics and endeavour future proof our products by releasing necessary updates of our products shortly after releases from Microsoft
For any queries please contact:
Rulf Brits, +27 82 7857381, rulf.brits@purple-window.com or
Andre Klopper, +27 83 4549960, andre.klopper@purple-window.com