Asset Intensive and Resources

In general Asset intensive industries require a substantial amount of capital for the production of goods. The proportion of capital required are much higher than the proportion of labour to produce goods. These industries depend on the the productivity and reliability of high-value and complex assets for their success. Often, there is a heavy health, environmental and safety (HES) component to the business.

The benefit of an asset intensive industry is that it promises high level of productivity and return. This is possible because, the capital investments are used to layout the bespoke with essential tools and high tech machinery and this use of advanced technology raises the productivity of labor resulting in greater output. Industries such as oil & gas, metals & mining and high tech manufacturing are all asset intensive industries.

Driving value from huge capital invests in assets require the right processes and tools. The Purple Window offering for asset intensive industries can enable you to drive higher asset availability, high asset utilisation and increased profits. Read more…